
sweet sour relationship

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

love is in the air

Daisypath Wedding tickers

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


The fire-engine red dynamo with the positive attitude and infectious giggle. The outgoing, curious little monster is a perennial optimist who’s full of wonder as he discovers the world. With his childlike innocence, Elmo can turn almost anything into a game and invite his friends to join him in the imaginative fun.

ade org gmbarkn bf diorng cm superman, batman, spiderman, smue yg hero2 la.. tp AKU...........
aku gmbrkn bf aku cm elmo jer.. just cute2 sdap mate aku nngok jer.. okla 2 kn.. hehe..
prngai cm bdak2, leh wt aku ketawa, ske gelak bsungguh, mnja, rmbut bsepah sepah, sensitif, bnyk lg la.. ssh nk dscribe.. bnyk sngt prngai die smpi kdg2 aku pon rimas.. hmmm... tp yg sure,

die mmg elmo aku..

i love my elmo soooooo much..........

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